
Email & Ordering

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Email & Ordering
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Tell me what you think, or to place an order:

If you have comments about my web site, or to place an order, just email me here> mike@artist2order.com, or fill out and submit the form below:

When placing an order: please be as specific as possible.
Let me know exactly what you want, including:
1 - Canvas size
2 - Horizontal or vertical scene
3 - Type of painting: landscape, cartoon, comic, portrait, reproduction, abstract, monochromatic (black, white, & one other color), other..
     >For Landscapes:
     A - Scene type: mountain, ocean, forrest, meadow, lake, cabin, space, other..
     B - Time of day & time of year
     C - Dominant colors, etc.
4 - Any other requests

Place your order here. Some fields are optional but what is essential is your e-mail address so I can communicate with you, your mailing address so I can ship to you, and your very detailed description of what you need so I can better serve you.
All information will be kept private.

First name:
Last name:
Email address:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip code:
Details for your order:

Thank you for your order!

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